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Level: Intermediate


Time : 1 hr 50 mins

Cook Time : 10 mins

Prep Time : 1 hr 40 mins


Yield: Two 10-inch pizzas

Owning a stainless steel ilFornino outdoor wood fired oven can offer years of pizza making satisfaction. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned professional, striving to make the best pizza is a noble goal. Of course, the original and still considered “King of all Pizza” is the Italian Neapolitan Pizza. Securing the right ingredients, and honing in your technique takes some practice, but the end reward is well worth the effort.

However, for many people, there is a major drawback to all this perfection. There is a large population of people that have a problem with gluten and must maintain a gluten free diet. Gluten is found in all-purpose flour, bread flour and wheat-based “00” Neapolitan flour. It is critical for forming the necessary strand structure of the dough as gases expand during proofing.

Unfortunately, most of us are familiar with using the standard “00” pizza flour and, as such, must exclude the gluten free population from you tasty creation. Sure, there are substitutes, such as cauliflower crusts and other types of flour that are gluten free, but they don’t take advantage of the high heat characteristics that an ilFornino Wood Fired Pizza Oven is known for.

In this pizza dough recipe, after researching a bunch of alternatives, I decided to pursue a recipe that should mimic a true Neapolitan Pizza experience, in a gluten free way. I went to the source of a true Italian flour manufacturer, known for their great “00” flour and got my hands on there version of “Gluten free 00 flour”. While there are many recipes for creating gluten-free pizza flour, this one comes straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

The recipe is right on the bag of Antimo Caputo Fioreglut (gluten free) flour. It is milled in Napoli Italy, the epicenter and origin of Neapolitan pizza. Having manufactured flour since 1924, I am quite sure they have painstakingly researched a gluten-free formula that is worthy of their reputation.

One of the key ingredients is Psyllium Seed Fiber. Known as a fiber supplement, it helps mimic the structure of gluten in your flour. When you read their recipe, the first thing that jumps out is that the dough has a hydration of 80 percent. This resembles a batter, more than dough, and care must be taken to follow their instructions to the letter.

Equipment's for Gluten Free Neapolitan Pizza:

  • The instructions specify a dough mixer, such as a Kitchen Aid with a dough hook. I suppose you could try to recreate this using a large bowl and a wooden spoon, as the dough will be very soft at 80% hydration.
  • ilFornino wood fired oven or other similar oven with wood and associated tools. Measuring cups, spoons, a silicon or rubber spatula and an accurate scale to weigh out all the ingredients.
  • I recommend a food mill for processing the San Marzano tomatoes, as it provides a consistent texture vs. stick blenders or smashing with some instrument. If no mill is available, then use the stick blender slowly.


This part is not unlike any standard Neapolitan Pizza
  • 28 ounce can of San Marzano tomatoes. (If unavailable, use standard tomatoes with some sugar to round out the flavor.)Sauce.
  • 2 teaspoons of salt or to taste.

Steps for preparing Neapolitan Pizza Sauce:

This part is not unlike any standard Neapolitan Pizza
  • Pour the contents of the can of tomatoes in a food mill with medium size holes and process into a large bowl. If no mill is available, use stick blender but not aggressively. A potato masher will work, as well.
  • Stir in 2 teaspoons of salt or adjust to taste.
  • The high heat of the oven will cook the sauce right on the pizza.

Ingredients for Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe:

  • 1000 grams or 35 oz. of Caputo Gluten-Free Pizza Flour
  • 800 ml. or 38 oz. of room temperature water
  • 15 grams or ½ oz. of fresh yeast OR 2 teaspoons of instant dry yeast (no proofing necessary) or active dry yeast
  • 35 grams or 1 and ¼ oz. or 2 and 2/3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 35 grams or 1 and ¼ oz. or 2 tablespoons of sea salt.
  • Rice flour for dusting and dough shaping.

Making the Gluten Free Pizza Dough:

  • In a mixer with dough hook, or a large mixing bowl, place flour, water, salt, and yeast into the bowl. Mix on the second speed of the mixer for about 5 minutes. Use an oiled spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl to make sure everything is mixed.
  • Add the extra virgin olive oil, and mix on the slowest speed for 2 more minutes.
  • Transfer the mixture to another bowl and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to rest.
  • Form individual dough balls each 250 grams (approximately 9 oz.) to 280 grams (approximately 10 oz.) with hands that have olive oil on them. This will prevent sticking.
  • Place each dough ball into its own container or wrap each tightly with plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours up to a maximum of 24 hours.

Assembling the Pie:

  • Remove your dough balls from the refrigerator and dust with rice flour or Caputo Gluten Free Flour. There is no need to bring to room temperature.
  • Carefully shape the dough by gently forming a ball with floured hand on a floured surface. Gently press the air from the center of the ball outward with the palm under your large knuckles. Use the other hand as a guide to form a taller ridge on the edges.
  • This will become the crust. Be careful as to not tear holes in the gluten free pizza crust. If you do get a hole, simply pinch and repair. Most importantly, you need to maintain a slight ridge around the pie.
  • Gently rotate the pie while repeating step 2 until the desired diameter is reached.
  • Make sure the pie doesn’t stick to surface by adding some rice or gluten free flour.
  • For a Margherita Pizza use tomato sauce, basil leaves, and fresh mozzarella, freshly grated Parmesan Cheese and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil on top.

Special Consideration:

Here is where there are several camps for baking. One says dress and bake as normal. The other camp says, par bake the pie dough only, remove from the oven, place it on a rack, dress and finish your bake in the oven. I found that par baking the dough first allows for easier handling and the ability to place more toppings.

Baking your Gluten Free Pizza Pie:

  • Start your fire and preheat your Wood Fired Oven making sure the oven floor pizza stone is uniformly hot. A good heat soaking of the oven floor is essential for creating the crispy crust associated with your Gluten Free Pizza.
  • It is recommended that the oven floor temperature be about 700 degrees for this particular flour and hydration. Care must be taken when handling the delicate pie. You may have to use a thin metal pizza peel to gently get the uncooked pie on the peel with short rapid strokes.
  • Cook and rotate, as you would do with a standard pizza. Keep in mind initially the pie is very fragile.

Useful Tips:

You can add other variations of toppings, however, I would make it simple until you feel confident with your technique. Do not overload. Also, don’t forget that while your oven is on; take advantage of the oven by introducing other foods for cooking. Keep in mind that you can still produce regular pizza and accommodate all your guests.


Making a Gluten Free Pizza is quite different from baking a wheat based Neapolitan or New York-Style Pizza. Securing the correct ingredients, whether you purchase as a pre-mixed blend or create your own, is essential to the success of the finished product. Please Pay attention to detail is vital, as slight deviations can alter the outcome.

Remember, it is nice to explore the capabilities of an ilFornino wood fired oven with this recipe and acquire a new skill in your pizza arsenal. Who knows, you may prefer Gluten Free Pizza instead. 

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