Protecting your Wood Fired Oven Cover Tips
Posted by ilFornino New York on 18th Aug 2020
Today's Tip isHow to Prolong the lifespan for your Wood Fired Pizza Cover?
At ilFornino, our pizza oven covers fit like a glove. They are custom made for our ovens. If you live in a harsh environment with the Sun beating your cover on a daily basis you might consider giving your cover an extra hand or tool to protect it further. It is advisable to protect your cover either way by following these easy steps.
Step 1 - Place your cover on your ilFornino Oven
Step 2 - Spray Scotchgard Fabric Protector to your cover. Please read the manufacture instructions on the product.
Step 3 - Let the cover air dry for 15-20 minutes and you are done. Now you are giving your cover that extra fighting ability to withstand the heat and cold alike. Scotchgard Fabric Protector is a trade mark of 3M and is not affiliated with ilFornino.
I hope you find today’s tips useful. If you like our video please subscribe to our channel for more tips and tricks for your outdoor pizza oven.