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Halloween Pizza Recipe - Spooky Ghost Pizza

Posted by ilFornino New York on 8th Nov 2024

Halloween Pizza Recipe - Spooky Ghost Pizza

  • Level: Beginner
  • Total: 15 min
  • Prep: 5 min
  • Yield: One 8-inch pizza

BOO! Tis the season to be spooky! With our Spooky Ghost Pizza recipe, Halloween lovers will surely take part in your frightful festivities. This Halloween pizza recipe is a fun activity for both kids and adults. All you need is pizza dough, pizza sauce, sliced mozzarella cheese, black olives, and a ghost-shaped cookie cutter. Prepare yourself for the fun-filled fright fest when you're done making your ghost pizza!


  • 200 grams ready-made pizza dough
  • ½ cup pizza sauce
  • Mozzarella cheese sliced deli-style
  • 1 minced black olive


  1. Prepare the oven: Start your oven and let it preheat at 400-500°F.
  2. Mince the olive: Using a small knife, mince the black olive into tiny pieces.
  3. Cut the mozzarella: Use the cookie cutter to make ghosts out of the mozzarella slices.
  4. Shape the dough: Add some flour to your hands and cooking surface and start stretching the pizza dough. Use your fingers to flatten and shape it to look like a small pizza pie. Don’t forget to shape the crust as well.
  5. Add the sauce: Spread the pizza sauce on the dough with a spoon. Use as much or as little sauce as you want, depending on how saucy you want your pizza.
  6. Add to oven: Use a pizza paddle to insert your sauce-covered pizza into the oven. Wait one minute then rotate the pizza with a pizza wheel. Allow it to cook for another 60-90 seconds.
  7. Cool off: Take the pizza out of the oven with a paddle and let it cool for three minutes.
  8. Add toppings: Place the mozzarella ghosts onto the pizza and add the minced olive as eyes for the ghosts.
  9. Back in the oven: Place the decorated pizza back in the oven for 30 seconds so the cheese can melt.
  10. Take the pizza out of the oven, let it cool off, then enjoy!

Thank you for viewing our spooky ghost pizza recipe! Be sure to check out ilFornino’s other recipe posts. Sign up for our newsletter so you can be the first one to hear about new deals, try new recipes, and much more! Happy Halloween! 

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